This Month we grab a Theme : "Hijab to Office". It's Kinda simple but
quite formal to wear daily to office. The Hijab Class was held on 23
until 25 September 2011 at Wardah Head Office in Ulujami, Pesanggerahan,
South Jakarta. Why we did the vanue in Wardah's office? Because HC in
collaborated with Wardah do
this event. Yes, we did Make Up Class also. The Participant just spend
200K for hijab and make up class fee. That's included Straight Shawl
from MISLA, 3 Hijab Tutorial, Make Up Class by Wardah, Lunch and Photo Session. Such a worth, isn't it?
Hijab tutor for Hijab Class are Irna Shahram, Ola Aswandi, Muthia, and
Febby Pramitha. And for Make Up Class, such of a honor, Wardah kindly
ask Mrs. Carol for tutor. She is a Make up Artist, very humble, and make
up tips in every detail. Thank You Mrs. Carol.. :)
not forget thanks to Ina Rovi as MC for HijabClass this periode. Insya
Allah HC always present another quality event next time, aamiin..
Thanks lovely hijabers <3
make up tutorial by Wardah
Mrs. Carol
Irna Shahram, Tutor
Ola Aswandi, Tutor and The owner of MISLA
Muthia, Tutor
Febby Paramitha, Tutor